Welcome to Mr. Music's Website for
Advanced Placement (AP) World History
Site updated: 01/26/2025
- Class Agenda AP World History (lesson plans) : (06/02/2019)
AP World Class Handouts
Announcements: (06/10/2019)
- AP World History (see below)
Click here to go the official Collegeboard website for more information about Advanced Placement
No Announcements 1/26/2025
No Announcements 5/09/2024
No Announcements 5/30/2022
No Announcements 8/23/2021
No Announcements 5/24/2021
No Announcements 6/22/2020
Spring 2019
06/10/2109: Have a good summer. Final grades will be posted Monday afternoon (6/10/19)
06/02/2019: Here is the study guide for the semester final:
Periods 1 & 7: Wednesday June 5
Period 2: Thursday June 6
NOTE: The study guide is due the day you take the final - AND EVERYONE IS COMPLETING THE STUDY GUIDE
05/30/2019: Below is the study guide for the final exam
AP World History – Final Exam Study Guide
1) EVERY student is completing the study guide whether they are exempt from the final or not. This will be the last assignment for the semester.
2) EVERY student MUST work on the study guide during class (I will not accept “I’m going to do this at home” as an excuse to do nothing in class).
3) This assignment is due the day of the final.
Chapter 15
- What was revolutionary about the Scientific Revolution? Be able to give specific examples including names and ideas.
Chapter 16
- In what ways did the ideas of the Enlightenment contribute to the American, French, and Haitian revolutions?
Chapter 17
- How did the Industrial Revolution transform those societies that industrialized?
Chapter 18
- In what different ways was colonial rule established in various parts of Africa and Asian?
Chapter 19
- What lay behind the decline of the Ottoman and Chinese empires in the nineteenth century?
Chapter 20
- In what ways did fascism challenge the ideas and practices of European liberalism and democracy?
05/22/19: Communism and women's rights DBQ now due Wednesday 05/29/19
- click here for a copy of the DBQ
05/22/19: Journals/Chapter 21 vocab is due on Wednesday 05/29/19
05/08/19: Progress reports distributed - signature required
04/15/19: NOTE: Test for chapters 18 and 19 will be Monday 4/22/19
04/15/19: NOTE: Vocabulary/journals for chapters 18 an19 are due Monday 4/22/19
3/17/2019: Here is the link to the video on the French Revolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pXxoyk5wOo
03/10/19: NOTE: Test Chapter 16 = Friday 3/15/19
02/28/2019: The test for chapter 15 will now be Friday 3/1/2019
02/24/2019: Chapter 15 test = Thursday 2/28/2019
- NOTE: Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 Vocabulary due on Thursday
02/21/2019:Progress reports distributed - signature required
02/20/2019: Click here (http://bcaphistory.pbworks.com/w/page/132085035/apwh%20agenda%20feb%2018%20to%2022%202019)
for the link to the movie and questions
02/08/2019: Hint for the Chapter 13 essay(s) :
European Conquest
- Why
- How
- Results - Columbian Exchange
- Change in society (Western Hemisphere)
- Change in global trade
02/03/2019: Bring books to class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
02/03/2019: Test on Chapter 13 = Friday February 8
01/13/2019: Please see the class agenda for this week (January 14 to 18, 2019)
Work for the Week: January 14-18, 2019
Monday: Chapter 12 499-505
Tuesday: Chapter 12 505-509
Wednesday: Chapter 12 510-515
Thursday: Chapter 12 515-522
Friday: Chapter 12 522-529
Due Tuesday January 22
1) Chapter 12 Reading Questions 3 and 5
Fall 2018
12/21/2018: APWH Extra Credit Assignment
Pick something/anything we have discussed in class during the semester and explain why you thought it was interesting.
It must be one paragraph long
- Email it to me at robert.music@jefferson.kyschools.us
I must have it by January 7th.
12/12/2018: Here is copy of the final:
Advanced Placement World History Fall Semester 2018 Final
Pick one civilization from EACH group. Then write an essay which compares and contrasts the two civilizations’ political, social, and economic systems.
Group One: 600BCE to 600CE (chapters 3-6)
- Persia
- Greece (Helen/Hellenistic)
- Roman Empire
- India (Mauryan/Gupta)
- China (Qin/Han)
- Western Hemisphere (Maya/Chavin/Teotihuacan)
Group Two: 600CE to 1200CE (chapters 7 to 10)
- China (Sui/Tang/Song)
- East Asia (Japan/Korea)
- Islamic World
- Christian Europe (Western Europe/Byzantine Empire/Kievan Rus)
12/04/18: Progress reports distributed - signature required
12/02/2018: Test for Chapter 9 and 10 is now Wednesday 12/5. Journals are due then, but the question from Chapter 10 is still due on Monday 12/3
11/30/18: For those who were absent on Friday, here is the link to the video: 12th C Millennium. It is a journal entry, so identify three important ideas, facts, or concept from each of the following regions:
- North America
- France
- Ethiopia
- Italy
11/28/2018: Test for Chapter 9 and 10 is now Tuesday 12/4. Journals are due then, but the question from Chapter 10 is still due on Monday 12/3
10/10/18: Progress reports distributed - signature required
09/30/18: Chapter 4 quiz = Thursday October 4, 2018
09/27/18: Progress reports distributed: No signature required
09/20/18: Here are the instructions for the Chapter 2 Test Redo
APWH: Chapter 2 (first test) Test Re-dos
Multiple-Choice: To get credit for redoing multiple-choice questions, you must quote the textbook where the answer is found. For example:
1) B: Page 386, paragraph 4: “The reasons for expansion were…..”
Do not quote the whole paragraph, just the sentence (sentences) that have the correct answer. If you only indicate the correct answer without the quote from the textbook – you will receive NO extra points.
Essays: You do not have to re-write the whole essay (unless you got a zero), you add to your original essay what you missed or left out. The things you need to cover are:
- In General:
- Use paragraphs to organize thoughts and writing
- Do not use 1st person in formal writing
To get ANY extra credit, you must turn in ALL of the following stapled together in this order
- New answers on top (on a separate piece of paper)
- Original answers
- Test
Again, you must have all three part or no extra points will be given!!!!
This is due on Monday September 24, 2018
09/16/2018: ATTENTION: Chapter 2 test corrections are now due on Monday 9/24/18 at the beginning of class
9/05/18: Progress reports distributed - signature required
9/05/18 Southern High School APWH students: This website is still being updated. However, click the link to the right to watch the Percepolis video on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3bOL8j3ypQ&t=1298s. Make sure you watch it from the beginning.
For all questions, make sure you give specific examples to support that supports your answer.
1) What was the role of the King in Persian Society (how was he seen?)?
2) What was the role of Persepolis? Why was it important?
3) Does the reality of Persia and Persian society match the way they were portrayed in Greek accounts?
- Questions are due by Thursday September 6.
For class specific announcements, pick a class below or use the Sidebar (to the right)
If you're not in an AP class and taking World Civilizations - Click Here
AP World History: Click here to go to the publisher's website for the textbook.
AP European History: Click here to go to the publisher's website for the textbook.
AP Psychology: Click here to go to the publisher's website for the textbook
Announcements (BCHS)
- AP Psychology ()
- AP European History ()
- Class Agenda AP European History (lesson plans): (No sections 2018-2019)
- Class Agenda AP Psychology (lesson plans): (No sections 2018-2019)
If you are here for a BCHS Nation Honor Society application - Click Here. Applications are due on Wednesday, September 13.
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